






Paratroopers of the 505th Regimental Combat Team



                                                                   Paratroopers Listed By - Battalion - Company - Alphabetical Order.


                                                                                             Regimental Headquarters Company.
                                                          1st Battalion - Headquarters Company - A Company - B Company - C Company.
                                                           2nd Battalion - Headquarters Company - D Company - E Company - F Company.
                                                            3rd Battalion - Headquarters Company - G Company - H Company - I Company.
                                                                                  Service Company                      505 Medical Detachment.
                                                            456th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion - 80th Airborne Anti-Aircraft Battalion
                                                         307th Airborne Engineer Battalion - Company B - 307th Airborne Medical Company

                                      Photos are the property of the © 505th Regimental Combat Team Association. They may not be duplicated, copied or scanned in whole or in part. > © 2020.

                                                                                                                        contact us


                                                                                                      Regimental Headquarters Company.


Tech/4 Donald L Adrianson - HHC Lt. Col. Herbert Batcheller- HHC - KIA Normandy June 7th 1944 Pfc. Ernest Blanchard - HHC Pfc. Herbert W. Carls - HHC Lt. Col William E. Ekman - HHC
T/4 Donald Adrianson - HHC Lt.Col.Herbert Batcheller- HHC Pfc. Ernest Blanchard - HHC Pfc. Herbert Carls - HHC Col William Ekman - HHC


Major General James M. Gavin - HHC - 4 Combat Jumps Sergeant Buster J.Y. Hobbs - HHC Sergeant Major Melvin Hoover - HHC Tech/5 Jerry Huth - HHC Cpl. Carl Joseph - HHC - Bronze Star with oak leaf cluster
General James Gavin - HHC Sgt. Buster Hobbs - HHC S/Maj. Melvin P Hoover - HHC Tech/5 Jerry Huth - HHC Cpl. Carl Joseph - HHC


1st Lt. Morton N. Katz -  HHC Rudolph "Rudy" Melendez - HHC Tech/5 Clarence Ollom -  HHC Sgt. Nick Sovich - HHC Tech/5 Vincent Triner - HHC
Lt. Morton N. Katz - HHC Rudolph Melendez - HHC Tech/5 Clarence Ollom - HHC Sgt. Nick Sovich - HHC Tech/5 Vincent Triner - HHC


Tech/4 Virian A. Wadford - HHC Gerald Willen - HHC Major George B. Wood - HHC Pfc. Lester W. Wright - HHC Major Edward A. Zaj - HHC
Tech/4 Virian Wadford - HHC Gerald Willen - HHC  Maj. George B. Wood - HHC Pfc. Lester W. Wright - HHC  Maj. Edward A. Zaj - HHC



                                                                                                                                  1st Battalion - Headquarters Company.


Pfc. Roger A. Carlson - 1HHC  Pvt. Calvin Coffee - 1HHC  Pfc. Weyland Davis - 1HHC Max DiBean - 1HHC - Pathfinder Pfc. Ward Dockery - 1HHC
Pfc. Roger A. Carlson - 1HHC Pvt. Calvin C. Coffee - 1HHC Pfc. Weyland Davis - 1HHC Pvt. Max DiBean - 1HHC Pfc. Ward Dockery - 1HHC


Cpl. Francis A. Downs - 1HHC Sergeant Marion C. Fabin - 1HHC Sgt. Melvin Fryer - 1HHC Lt. Col. Arthur Gorham - 1HHC - KIA Sicily July 12th 1943 awarded DSC Lester Hittepole
Cpl. Francis A. Downs - 1HHC Sgt. Marion Fabin - 1HHC Sgt. Melvin Fryer - 1HHC Lt.Col. Arthur Gorham - 1HHC S/Sgt. Lester Hittepole - 1HHC


Tech/5 James C Jones - 1st Bn Hq Co. - Le Havre, France 1945 Lt. Dean McCandless - 1HHC Sgt. John Ostermeyer - 1HHC Pfc. Carl Moore Silvious - 1st Bn Hq Co. Tech-4 Tony J. Vickery - 1HHC - KIA Normandy June 11th 1944
T/5 James C. Jones - 1HHC Lt. Dean McCandless - 1HHC Sgt. John Ostermeyer - 1HHC Pfc. Carl M. Silvious Tech-4 Tony J. Vickery - 1HHC


Cpl. Carl H. White - 1HHC Leroy J. Wilson - 1HHC
Cpl. Carl H. White - 1HHC Leroy J. Wilson - 1HHC



                                                                                                                                  A Company.


Sgt. Joseph G. Anderson - A Company Private Dave Berardi - A Co. - KIA January 6th 1945 in the Ardennes offensive Private Alfred C. Breault - A Co. Pfc. Joseph L. Bronk - A Co. Sgt. Dave Bullington - A Co. - 4 Combat Jumps
Sgt. Joseph Anderson - A Co. Pvt. Dave Berardi - A Co. Pvt. Alfred Breault - A Co. Pfc. Joseph L Bronk - A Co. Sgt. Dave Bullington - A Co.


Cpl. Kelly Byars - A Co. Pfc. William Calbreath - A Co. Private Harold A. DeLosh Captain John J. Dolan - A Co. S/Sgt Timothy Dyas - A Co.  width=
Cpl. Kelly Byars - A Co. Medic Pfc. William Calbreath - A Co. Pvt. Harold DeLosh - A Co. Captain John Dolan - A Co. S/Sgt Timothy Dyas - A Co.


1st Sgt. Patrick F. Grace Robert Hammerstrom Pfc. Marcus Heim - A Co. - Distinguished  Service Cross Samuel Jeffries - A Co. Pfc. Victor Lindgren - A Co.
1st Sgt.Patrick Grace - A Co. Robert Hammerstrom - A Co. Pfc. Marcus Heim - A Co.  Samuel Jeffries - A Co. Pfc. Victor Lindgren - A Co.


Sgt.Robert M. Murphy - A Co. - Pathfinder - Bronze Star Medal Tech/Sgt Prentice L. Murray - A Co. Lt. William R. Oakley - A Co. - DOW  Normandy June 6th 1944 Pvt. John Wilson O'Daniel - A Co. S/Sgt. William D. Owens - A Co.
Sgt. Robert M. Murphy - A Co. T/Sgt Prentice Murray - A Co. Lt. William R. Oakley - A Co. Pvt. John W. O'Daniel - A Co. S/Sgt. William Owens - A Co.


Pfc. Robert M. Peel - A Company Pfc. Clyde Rankin - A Company Tech/4 Thomas L. Rea - A Company Sgt. Jim Ricci - A Co. Pfc. Billie D. Samson - A Co.
Pfc. Robert M. Peel - A Co. Pfc. Clyde Rankin - A Co. Tech/4 Thomas L. Rea - A Co.  Sgt. Jim Ricci - A Co. Pfc. Billie D. Samson - A Co.


Capt. Edwin Sayre - A Co. Tech/5 Michael Silvestro - A Co. Sergeant Emmett L.Zimmerman - A  Company
Capt. Edwin Sayre - A Co. Tech/5 Michael Silvestro - A Co. Emmett Zimmerman - A Co.



                                                                                                                                  B Company.


Lt. Harold J. Carroll - B company  Pfc. Russell U. Day - B Co. Pfc. Thomas L Glass - B Company Lt. Morris P. Guerrant - B Co.- KIA  Germany April 30th 1945 Pfc. Walter A. Heinemann - B Co.- KIA  Normandy June 23rd 1944
Lt. Harold J. Carroll - B Co.    Pvt. Russell U. Day - B Co. Pfc. Thomas L Glass - B Co. Lt. Morris Guerrant - B Co. Pfc.Walter Heinemann - B Co.


Pfc. Calvin Henderson - B Co. Pfc. Robert E. Hollenbeck - A company Staff Sergeant David R Holmes - B Co. width= Pvt. Nathan Johnson - B Co. A.J. Largent - B Company
Pfc.Calvin Henderson - B Co. Pfc.Robert Hollenbeck - B Co. S/Sgt David Holmes - B Co. Pvt. Nathan Johnson - B Co. A.J. Largent - B Co.


Pvt. Howard W. Matt - B Co. Pfc. Bruce M. Miller - B Co. Pfc. Donald Cleon Miller - B Co. Pfc. Frankie Pulicaro - B Co. Lt. Bill Richardson - B Co.
Pvt. Howard W. Matt - B Co. Pfc. Bruce M. Miller - B Co. Pfc. Donald Cleon Miller - B Co. Pfc. Frankie Pulicaro - B Co. Lt. Bill Richardson - B Co.


Pfc. Ruby William Robinson - B Company 2nd Lt. Joseph Shelton - B Co. Pfc. Northam H. Stolp - B Co. Pvt. Constantine Szwedo - B Company Pfc. David York - B Co.
Pfc. Ruby Robinson - B Co. 2nd Lt. Joseph Shelton - B Co. Pfc.Northam H. Stolp - B Co. Pvt. Constantine Szwedo - B Co. Pfc. David C. York - B Co.


Cpl. Leslie Zickefoose - B Co.
Cpl. Leslie Zickefoose Jr.



                                                                                                                                  C Company.


Cpl. Roger F. Coffin - C Company Pfc. Stanley Creswick - C Company Pfc. Dale Crummer - C Company  S/Sgt Winfred Davies - C Co. SSM - PH w/olc Pfc. Joseph C. Fitt - C Company
Cpl. Roger F. Coffin - C Co. Pfc. Stanley Creswick - C Co. Pfc. Dale Crummer - C Co. S/Sgt Winfred Davies - C Co. Pfc. Joseph C. Fitt - C Co.


Pfc. Edward C. Gaudette - C Company Pvt. Melvin L. Gennette - C Company Pvt. John C. Grimes - C Company S/Sgt. Oscar F. Hagerty - C Company S/Sgt. Harold A. Johnson - C Company
Pfc. Edward Gaudette - C Co. Pvt. Melvin L. Gennette - C Co. Pvt. John C. Grimes - C Co. S/Sgt.Oscar F. Hagerty - C Co. S/Sgt.Harold Johnson - C Co.


S/Sgt. William E. Jones - C Company Pfc.Kenneth Lau - C Co. - DOW Holland October 6th 1944 Cpl. Anthony M. Medoro - C Company Pvt. Joseph C. Petty - C Company Private Nicholas Polachek - C Company
S/Sgt. William E. Jones - C Co. Pfc. Kenneth Lau - C Co. Cpl. Anthony M. Medoro - C Co. Pvt Joseph C. Petty - C Co. Pvt.Nicholas Polachek - C Co.


Pfc. Arthur "Dutch" Schultz - C company Pfc. Lester L. Vest - C Company Pfc. Robert Young - C Co. DNB-S  March 8th 1944 T/Sgt. Herman R. Zeitner - C Company
Pfc. Arthur Schultz - C Co. Pfc. Lester L. Vest - C Co.  Pfc. Robert J. Young - C Co. T/Sgt. Herman R. Zeitner - C Co.



                                                                                                                                  2nd Battalion - Headquarters Company.


Cpl. Ronald F. Adams - 2HHC Lt. Col. Mark Alexander - 2HHC Pfc. Anthony C. Alfonse - 2HHC Cpl. Kenneth Austin - 2HHC S/Sgt. Berge Avadanian - 2HHC
Cpl. Ronald F. Adams - 2HHC Col. Mark Alexander-2HHC Pfc. Anthony Alfonse - 2HHC Cpl. Kenneth Austin - 2HHC S/Sgt.Berge Avadanian-2HHC


Pfc. Richard Busby - 2HHC 2nd Lt. Francis G. Calo - 2HHC Pvt. James Coleman - 2HHC - 4 Combat Jumps Robert Dumke - 2HHC Corporal Chick Eitelman - 2HHC - Silver Star medal
Pfc. Richard Busby-2HHC 2nd Lt.Francis Calo - 2HHC Pvt. James Coleman - 2HHC Robert Dumke - 2HHC Cpl. Chick Eitelman - 2HHC


Pvt. Charles Fabbro - 2HHC Cpl. Commie Gibbs Major James A. Gray - 2HHC Cpl. Curtis R. Hale - 2HHC Joseph R. Horvath - 2HHC _ 4 combat jumps - Bronze Star, PH w/olc
Pvt. Charles Fabbro - 2HHC Cpl. Commie Gibbs - 2HHC Maj.James A. Gray - 2HHC. Cpl.Curtis R. Hale - 2HHC Joseph R. Horvath - 2HHC


John R. Jackson - 2HHC Charlie E. Johnson - 2HHC James Rodier Pfc. Charles O'Neill - 2HHC Marvin G. Liller - 2HHC.
John R. Jackson - 2HHC Pvt. Charlie Johnson - 2HHC Pfc. Marvin Liller - 2HHC Pfc. Charles O'Neill - 2HHC Pfc. James Rodier - 2HHC


Pfc. Jerome Sader - 2HHC. S/Sgt Verle Junior Turner - Medic Major Benjamin Vandervoort - 2HHC Pvt. Eldon Willoughby - 2HHC Pfc. Wilbur A. Wright - 2HHC
Pfc. Jerome Sader - 2HHC. S/Sgt Verle Turner - 2HHC Maj.Ben Vandervoort - 2HHC Pvt. Eldon Willoughby - 2HHC Pfc. Wilbur Wright - 2HHC




                                                                                                                                  D Company.


S/Sgt. Herbert J. Buffalo Boy - D Co. Pvt V. P. Dewailly - D Co. Pfc. Edward E. Easton - D Co. Pvt. Thomas A. Evans - D Co. Sgt. Wallace "Leo" Figueroa - D Company
Herbert J. BuffaloBoy - D Co. Pvt. V. P. Dewailly - D Co. Pfc. Edward Easton - D Co. Pvt. Thomas A. Evans - D Co. Sgt Wallace Figueroa - D Co.


Pfc. Billy J. Fleming - D Co. - 4 Combat Jumps George Fotovich - D Company Pvt. Leland Charles Heller - Med. D Co. Pfc. Donald J. MacPhee - D Co. Tech/5 Henry J Matzelle - D Co.
Pfc. Billy Fleming - D Co. Pfc. George Fotovich - D Co. Pvt. Leland C. Heller - D Co. Pfc. Donald MacPhee - D Co. T/5 Henry J. Matzelle - D Co.


Sgt. Robert J. Niland - D company - KIA June 6, 1944 Normandy, France Lt. Charles K. Qualls - D Co. 1st/Sgt. John H. Rabig - D Co. Pfc. George Rajner - D Co. - KIA Normandy July 3rd 1944 S/Sgt. Milton E. Schlesener - D Co.
Sgt. Robert Niland - D Co. Lt. Charles K. Qualls - D Co. 1st/Sgt. John H. Rabig - D Co. Pfc. George Rajner - D Co. S/Sgt. Milton Schlesener


S/Sgt. Gerald F. Smith - D Co. Pfc. Michael C. Tadeusiak - D Co. Lt. Turner Turnbull - D Company Pvt. Jess O. Valencia - D Company Gerald R. Weed
S/Sgt. Gerald F. Smith - D Co. Pfc.Michael Tadeusiak - D Co. Lt. Turner Turnbull - D Co. Pvt. Jess O. Valencia - D Co. Sgt. Gerald Weed - D Co.



                                                                                                                                  E Company.


Pvt. Frank Balch - E Co. Sgt. Joe L. Blakeslee - E Company Herbert E. Blaylock - E Co. Pfc. Earl Boling - E Co Raymond Bridgen - E Co.
Pvt. Frank Balch - E Co. Sgt. Joe L. Blakeslee - E Co. Herbert E. Blaylock - E Co. Pfc. Earl Boling - E Co. Raymond Bridgen - E Co.


Pfc. John Cages - E Co. William F Christ - E Co. width= Sgt. Arnold A Correia - E Co. 2nd Lt. James J. Coyle - E Co. Sgt. Ralph D Erickson - E Co.
Pfc. John Cages - E Co. William F Christ - E Co. Sgt. Arnold Correia - E Co. 2nd Lt. James Coyle - E Co. Sgt. Ralph Erickson - E Co.


Sgt. Russell C Evans - E Co. 1st Lt. John J. Field - E Company Wesley Forsythe - E Company Pvt. Camille E. Gagne - E Co. Pfc. Maryland J. Golden - E Co.
Cpl. Russell Evans - E Co. Lt. John Field - E Co. Pvt. Wesley Forsythe - E Co. Pvt. Camille E. Gagne - E Co. Pfc. Maryland Golden - E Co.


Pvt. Arnold Haanpaa - E companyPfc. Dennis C. Hannah - E company   Pfc. Jack Hill - E company William P Holmes - E company - KIA October 23 1944 in Holland - Bronze Star with oak leaf cluster Pvt George Jacobus - E Co.
Pvt. Arnold Haanpaa - E Co. Sgt. Dennis Hannah - E. Co. Pfc. Jack Hill - E. Co. William P. Holmes - E Co. Pvt. George Jacobus - E Co.


Pvt. Richard Lee Johnson - E company 2nd Lt. Warren F. Leary - E company 1st Lt. David L. Packard - E company 2nd Lt. Sal A. Polisano - E Company S/Sgt. Edward T. Portis - E company
Pvt. Richard Johnson - E Co. 2nd Lt. Warren Leary - E Co. 1st Lt. David Packard - E Co. 2nd Lt. Sal Polisano - E Co. S/Sgt. John Portis - E Co.


Pfc. Edward Przyborowski - E company Captain Clyde R. Russell - E Co. S/Sgt. Otis Sampson - E Co. - Silver Star Medal - Citation For Gallantry In Action - 4 combat jumps. Pfc. Irvin W. Seelye - E Co.
Pfc. Ed Przyborowski - E Co. Cpt. Clyde Russell - E Co. S/Sgt. Otis Sampson - E Co. Pfc. Irvin W. Seelye - E Co.



                                                                                                                                  F Company.


Pvt Percy Altman - F Co. - KIA Holland October 5th 1944 Pfc. Charles Blankenship - F Company Pvt. Elwood Dean - F Co. Lt. John H. Dodd III - F Co. Pvt Robeert Fowler - F Co. - KIA Holland September 19th 1944
 Pvt Percy Altman - F Co. Pfc. Charles Blankenship - F Co. Pvt. Elwood Dean - F Co. Lt. John H. Dodd III - F Co. Pvt. Robert H. Fowler - F Co.


Pfc. Henry H. Hammer - F Co. Lt John Hamula - F Co.- KIA Ardennes January 5th 1945 Pvt. Bob Hughart - F Co. Sgt. Edward D. Jones - F Company Pfc. Medinger Magonicle - F Co.
Pfc. Henry H. Hammer - F Co.  Lt John Hamula - F Co.  Pvt. Robert Hughart - F Co. Sgt. Edward D. Jones - F Co. Pfc.Medinger Magonicle - F Co.


Corporal Don McKeage - F Co. Pfc. Medinger Magonicle - F Co. S/Sgt. Larry Neipling - F Co. s/Sgt. Wiburn C. Nelson - F Co. Sfc. Carl W. Paul - F Company
 Cpl. Don McKeage - F Co. Tech/4 Les Meade - F Co.  S/Sgt. Larry Neipling - F Co. S/Sgt. Wilburn Nelson - F Co. Sfc. Carl W. Paul - F Co.


Sgt John P. Ray - F Co. - DOW Normandy June 7th 1944 Pvt. Mart Smith - F Co. - DOW Holland September 19th 1944 Lawrence Solari - F Co. Sgt. Robert L. Smith - F Co. Sgt. John Steele - F Co. - 4 Combat Jumps
 Sgt. John P. Ray - F Co.  Pvt. Mart Smith - F Co.  Lawrence Solari - F Co. Sgt. Robert L. Smith - F Co.  Sgt. John Steele - F Co.


Pvt. Donald H. Stigney - F Company Pvt. Ladislau "Laddie" Tlapa - F Co. - KIA Normandy June 6th 1944 Private First Class William W. Whalen - F Company Pfc. Richard F. White - F Co. Sgt Spencer Wurst - F Co.
Pvt. Donald Stigney - F Co. Pvt. "Laddie"Tlapa - F Co. Pfc. William Whalen - F Co. Pfc. Richard White - F Co. Sgt. Spencer Wurst - F Co.


Staff Sergeant Ronald H. Wynn - F Company
S/Sgt.Ronald H. Wynn - F Co.



                                                                                                                                  3rd Battalion - Headquarters Company.


Staff Sgt. Clayton Bauer - 3HHC Private James L. Cole - 3HHC  KIA October 1st 1944 in Holland Lt. Sam Cook - 3HHC Private Delos Eveland - Headquarters Co. 3rd Bn. Pfc. Raymond E. Fiske - 3HHC - KIA Sicily July 11th 1943
 S/Sgt. Clayton Bauer - 3HHC  Pvt. James L. Cole - 3HHC Lt. Samuel Cook - 3HHC  Pvt. Delos Eveland - 3HHC  Pfc. Raymond Fiske - 3HHC


Pvt Michael Gerun  3HHC Pfc. James A.Gorman - 3HHC Cpl. Gibson Holland - 3HHC Pvt. William Gray - 3HHC Lt.Col. James L. Kaiser - 3HHC
Pvt. Michael Gerun - 3HHC. Pfc. James A.Gorman - 3HHC Pvt. William Gray - 3HHC Cpl. Gibson Holland - 3HHC Lt.Col. James Kaiser - 3HHC


Walter Robinson  - 3HHC Tech/5 Joseph J. Ryan - 3HHC Pfc. Harry J.Sellers - 3HHC Tech/5 Glendon Leo Spriggs - 3HHC
Walter Robinson - 3HHC T/5 Joseph J.Ryan - 3HHC Pfc. Harry J.Sellers - 3HHC T/5 Glendon Spriggs - 3HHC




                                                                                                                                  G Company.


Private John Alway - G Co. Pvt. Elmer Baker - G  Co. -  KIA Holland October 5th 1944 Corporal Nick Barres - G company Sgt. Willie Beaty - G Company Sgt. Bill Bishop - G Company
Pvt. John "Red" Alway - G Co.    Pvt. Elmer Baker - G Co.    Cpl. Nick Barres - G Co. Sgt. Willie Beaty - G Co. Sgt. Bill Bishop - G Co.


S/Sgt. Bill Blank - G Co. - 4 Combat Jumps Pfc. Walter Blasik - G Co. - Silver Star medal. Sgt. Duke Boswell - G Company Private Armon Buchanan - G Co Private Benjamin Chilic - G Co
;  Sgt. Bill Blank - G Co.    Pfc. Walter Blasik - G Co.    Sgt. Duke Boswell - G Co. Pvt. Armon Buchanan - G Co. Pvt. Ben Chilic - G Co.


Private Jack Cullens - G Co Tech Sgt Wheatley Christensen - G Co. - 4 Combat Jumps Corporal Julius Curtis - G Company - Purple Heart medal Normandy Pfc. Raymond Lester Daudt - G Co. Pfc. John T. Diffin - G Co.
Pvt. Jack Cullens - G Co. T/Sgt.Wheatley Christensen-G Co Cpl. Julius Curtis - G Co. Pfc. Raymond Daudt - G Co.  Pfc John T. Diffin - G Co.


Frank Dostie - G Company Sgt. Quinton Echols - G Co. Pfc. Jack Evans - G Co. Pvt. Calvin Fisher - G Co. - 4 Combat Jumps 2nd Lt. Jack Gavin - G Company
 Francis E. Dostie - G Co. Sgt. Quinton Echols - G Co. Pfc. Jack Evans - G Co. Pvt. Calvin Fisher - G Co.  2nd Lt. Jack Gavin - G Co.


George L. Gaylon - G Company Pvt. Robert Geise - G Co. Pfc. Billy G. Hahnen - G Co. - 4 Combat Jumps Pvt. Kenneth L. Harris - G Co. - 4 Combat Jumps - Silver Star medal Pfc. Kenneth Holden - G Co.
 Tech/4 George Gaylon - G Co. Pvt. Robert Geise - G Co.  Pfc. Billy G. Hahnen - G Co.  Pvt. Kenneth L. Harris - G Co.   Pfc. Kenneth Holden - G Co.


Sgt. Carl Horst - G Co. Pfc. Alfred Lambdin - G Co. -  4 Combat Jumps Private Eugene A. Lenz - G Co. Pfc. Leon Long - G Company Private  Francis G Maloney - G Co.
 Sgt. Carl Horst - G Co.  Pfc. Alfred Lambdin - G Co.  Private Eugene Lenz - G Co. Pfc. Leon Long - G Co. Pvt. Francis G Maloney - G Co.


Captain Francis Myers - G Company Cpl. Joseph L. Palmisano - G Co.  PH wolc Sgt. William F. Novack - G Co. Pvt. Charles Pastor - G Co. Kenneth Pippen - G Co.
Cpt. Francis J. Myers - G Co. Cpl. Joe Palmisano - G Co. Sgt William Novack - G Co  Pvt. Charles Pastor - G Co.  Kenneth Pippen - G Co.


S/Sgt. Harry W. Reddinger - G Co. Pfc. William "Billy" Sanchez - G Co. - KIA Ardennes. Pfc. Lawrence J. Schehl - G Co. Corporal Francis X. Schweikert - G Co. - POW Stalag XIIA Limburg, Germany Private Ralph H. Smith - G Co.
S/Sgt. Harry W. Reddinger - G Co.  Pfc. William Sanchez - G Co.  Pfc. Lawrence J. Schehl - G Co. Cpl. Francis Schweikert - G Co. Pvt. Ralph H. Smith - G Co.


Private William Smith - G Co. Pfc. Chester Urban - G Co. - Silver Star and Broze Star medals - 4 Combat Jumps Pvt. Ben E. Veich - G Co. Sgt. Taylor C. Waldron - G Company Sgt. James J. Yates - G Co.  PH WOLC
Pvt. William Smith - G Co. Pfc. Chester Urban - G Co. Pvt. Ben E. Veich - G Co. Sgt. Taylor C. Waldron - G Co. Sgt. James J. Yates - G Co.


Pfc. Carroll L. York - G Co.
Pfc. Carroll Lee York - G Co.



                                                                                                                                  H Company.


Private Verlaine B. Alton - H Co. - KIA June 21st 1944 near Bois de Limors, France 2nd Lt. Charles H. Andros - H Co. Pfc. Calvin Beckemeyer - H Co. Purple Heart medal recipient. Pvt. Alan Beckwith - H Co. Purple Heart medal recipient. Pfc. James Belt - H Co. BSM
Pvt. Verlaine Alton - H Co. Lt. Charles Andros - H Co. Pfc. Calvin Beckemeyer - H Co. Pvt. Alan Beckwith - H Co. Pfc. James Belt - H Co.


Pfc. Eldon Berry - H Co. Pvt. James M. Cranfill Jr. - H Co. Pfc. Jack O. Cross - H Co. Pfc. Les Cruise - H Co. Corporal James D Edwards - H Co.
Pfc. Eldon Berry - H Co. Pvt.James Cranfill Jr. - H Co. Pfc. Jack O. Cross - H Co. Pfc. Les Cruise - H Co. Cpl. James Edwards - H Co.


Pvt. Charles W. Eveland - H Co. Sgt. Martin Finkelstein - H Co.- POW Normany Pfc. Morris Gelber - H Company 2nd Lt. Robert Lefferson - H Co. - KIA Holland September 30th 1944 Sgt. Russell D. McConnell - H Co.
Pvt. Charles W. Eveland - H Co. Sgt.Martin Finkelstein - H Co. Pfc. Morris Gelber - H Co. 2nd Lt. Robert Lefferson - H Co Sgt. Russell McConnell - H Co.


Edward P. Newsome - H Co. Pvt. Andrew Overly - H Co. - KIA Holland October 10th 1944 Pfc. Frank F. Potts - H company Pvt. William R. Russell - H Co. - KIA Holland October 6th 1944 Cpl. Lincoln F. Shaffer - H Co.
 Edward Newsome - H Co. Pvt. Andrew Overly - H Co. Pfc. Frank F. Potts - H Co. Pvt. William Russell - H Co. Cpl. Lincoln Shaffer - H Co.


Pfc. George Spartichino - H Co. Cpl. Herbert R. Shenafield - H Company - KIA Holland September 4th 1944 Pvt. John B. Wands Jr. - H Company Corporal Dale Weatherwax - H Co. - KIA Holland September 19th 1944
Pfc.George Spartichino - H Co Cpl. Herbert Shenafield - H Co. Pvt.Taylor Wands - H Co. Cpl.Dale Weatherwax - H Co.



                                                                                                                                  I Company.


S/Sgt Norell M. Blankenship - I Company 2nd Lt. William Brunsman - I company - Silver Star medal - 4 combat jumps. Pfc. Nick Cavallero - I Company - KIA January 3,1945  Fosse, Belgium  Pfc. Richard Cutler - I Co.  Pfc. Morris Dyles - I Co.
S/Sgt Norell Blankenship-I Co. 2nd Lt. Bill Brunsman - I Co. Pfc. Nick Cavallero - I Co. Pfc. Richard Cutler - I Co. Pfc. Morris M. Dyles - I Co.


Pfc. Harrold R. Flintoff - I Co. PH Pfc. Oscar C. Harris - I Co. PH Pvt. Frank W. Hogan - I Co. Pfc. Dennis Force - I Co. PH Pvt. Leo Lopez - I Co.
Pfc. Harrold Flintoff - I Co. Pfc. Oscar C. Harris - I Co. Pvt. Frank W. Hogan - I Co. Pfc. Dennis R. Force - I Co. Pvt. Leo Lopez - I Co.


Pfc. John Lyons - I Co. PH Tech/5 Arold W. Peterman - I Company S/Sgt. Clarence Prager - I Co. Pfc. Karl Schmidt - I Co. Pvt. Wayne Schultz - I Co.
Pfc. John Lyons - I Co. T/5 Arnold Peterman - I Co. S/Sgt. Clarence Prager - I Co. Pfc. Karl Schmidt - I Co. Pvt. Wayne Schultz - I Co.


Pfc. Charles Stunkard - I Co. Staff Sergeant Donald Sutherland - I Co. Sgt. William H. Tucker - I Co.
Pfc. Charles Stunkard - I Co. S/Sgt.Donald Sutherland - I Co. Sgt. William Tucker - I Co.



                                                                                                                                  Service Company.


Tech/4 William A. Clark - Service company Tech/4 Roy V. Downing - Svc. Co. Tech/5 Kenneth E. Geiler - Svc Co.- KIA Normandy June 24th 1944 Tech/5 James H. Hagler - Svc. Co. Staff Sergeant Charles R. Hannabass - Svc. Co.
 T/4 William Clark - Svc. Co. T/4 Roy V. Downing - Svc. Co.  T/5 Kenneth Geiler - Svc Co. T/5 James Hagler - Svc. Co. S/Sgt. C. Hannabass - Svc.Co.


Pfc. Raymond H. Hardesty - Svc. Co. Tech/5  Bradley W. Hinchliff - Service Company Tech/5 Elmer Hopper - Svc. Co. Tech/5 J. D. Humphries - Svc Co. Pfc. Frank E. Justice -  Svc. Co - Bronze Star medal
Pfc. J. Hardesty - Svc. Co. T/5 Bradley Hinchliff - Svc. Co.  T/5 Elmer Hopper - Svc. Co. T/5 J. D. Humphries - Svc Co.  Pfc. Frank Justice - Svc. Co.


John T. Lovett - Service Company - Bronze Star medal. 1st Lt. Donald V. McFerren - Svc. Co.
 John Lovett - Svc. Co. Lt. Donald McFerren - Svc. Co.




                                                                                                                                  505 Medical Detachment.


Tech/4 Edwin "Eddie"  Ames - Medic - Silver Star Medal Cpl. Donald H. Baldwin - Medic width= S/Sgt. John W. Clancy - B Co. medic  width= Capt. Robert Franco - Surgeon width= Tech/3 Harold T Lee - Medic  width=
 Tech/4 Edwin Ames - Medic Cpl. Donald Baldwin - Medic S/Sgt. John Clancy - Medic Cpt. Robert Franco - Surgeon Tech/3 Howard Lee - medic


S/Sgt Donald P. MacLeod - Medic Captain Daniel McIllvoy - Regimental Surgeon S/Sgt Fred Morgan - Medic S/Sgt Duaine "Pinky" Pinkston - Medic S/Sgt Duaine "Pinky" Pinkston - Medic
S/Sgt Donald MacLeod - Medic Cpt. Daniel McIllvoy - Surgeon  S/Sgt Fred Morgan - Medic S/Sgt Duaine Pinkston - Medic T/3 James Przymuski - Medic


Captain Alexander "Pete" Suer - DOW Ardennes February 1st 1945 Tech/4 James "Stanley" Wells - D Co. Medic
Cpt. Alexander "Pete" Suer Tech/4 James "Stanley" Wells

456th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion



Sgt. Robert D Beggs - C Btry. Pvt. Joseph S. Berdelle - D Battery Tech/5 Edward A. Bereski - HQ Battery Pfc. Walter Blankenship - B Btry. Lt. Raymond E. Bloxom - B Battery
Sgt. Robert D. Beggs - C Btry. Pvt. Joseph Berdelle - D Btry. T/5 Edward Bereski - HQ Btry. Pfc.Walter Blankenship Lt. Raymond Bloxom - B Btry.


Pfc. Robert A. Dare - A Battery T/5 Robert M. Gaffney - A Battery Pvt. Harry Greenfield - C Battery Pfc. Stanley R. Hadden - C Battery Pfc. Dwight E. Haynes - C Battery
Pfc. Robert A. Dare - A Btry. T/5 Robert Gaffney - A Btry. Pvt. Harry Greenfield - C Btry. Pfc. Stanley R. Hadden - A Btry. Pfc. Dwight Haynes - C Btry.


Joseph R. Hernandez Alvin Hardy Holt Richard B. Karr - HQ Battery Pvt. Basel Knight - C Battery Steve J. Kryzck - C Battery
Joseph Hernandez - B Btry.  Alvin H. Holt - B Btry. Pvt. Richard B.Karr - Unk Btry Pvt. Basel Knight - C Btry. Steve J. Kryzck - C Btry.


Edward Lakomy - HQ Battery Cpl. Henry C. Langevin  -  B Battery Cpl. James E Machen - C Battery John McKenzie -  A Battery
Pvt. Edward Lakomy - HQ Btry Cpl.Henry Langevin - B Btry Pvt.John Lombardo - HQ Btry Cpl.James E Machen - C Btry. Sgt. John McKenzie - A Btry.


Sgt. Jacob "Jack" Merkin - HQ Battery. Sgt. Fred Migliori - A-Battery Dick Mote - A Battery Pvt. Frank Narkiewicz - B Battery S/Sgt. Bill F. Nolan - SVC Battery
Sgt. Jacob Merkin - HQ Btry. Sgt. Fred Migliori - A Btry Tech/4 Dick Mote - HQ Btry. Pvt. Frank Narkiewicz - B Btry. S/Sgt. Bill F. Nolan - HQ Btry.


Lt. Edward O'Brien - - HQ Battery Tech/5 Joe Paradise - B Battery Pvt. George E. Pasko - D Battery Sgt. Frank Pfiel Jack O. Phelps
Lt. Edward O'Brien - HQ Btry. Tech/5 Joe Paradise - B Btry. Pvt. George E. Pasko - D Btry. Sgt. Frank Pfiel - Unk Btry Jack O. Phelps - B Btry.


Tech/5 William Plaus - D Battery Cpl. Ernest F Schroeder - C Btry Staff Sergeant George Sipple - A Battery S/Sgt. Rushing  Smith - HQ Battery Corporal Weslet G. Snell - C Battery - Silver Star medal
Tech/5 William Plaus - D Btry Cpl.Ernest Schroeder - C Btry S/Sgt. George Sipple - A Btry S/Sgt. Rushing Smith - HQ Cpl. Wesley G. Snell - C Btry


Sgt. Joseph N. Thomas - C Btry Cpt. Victor Tofany - D Battery Cpl. Nick Turnbeau 456PFA-A width= Delmar B. Winn - HQ Btry Lt. Robert W. Zost - E Btry
Sgt. Joseph Thomas - C Btry Capt. Victor Tofany - D Btry Cpl. Nick Turnbeau - A Btry Delmar B. Winn - HQ Btry Lt. Robert W. Zost - E Btry




80th Airborne Anti-Aircraft Battalion



S/Sgt. Harry G. Berry - B Battery Capt. Arnold Sylvan Block - 80AA-Bn. Asst.Surgeon Pvt. Stanley Bogusz - Unk Battery W/O John W Bos - HQ Battery S/Sgt James M Boster - Unk Battery
S/Sgt. Harry G. Berry - B Bat Cpt. Arnold Block - Bn.Surgeon. Pvt. Stanley Bogusz - Unk Bat. W/O John Bos - HQ Btry. S/Sgt James Boster - Unk Btry.


Sgt. Roland Boteler - C Battery Lt. Donald Davidson - Unk Batt. Tech/3 Steve W DeAnna - Med Detachment T/4. Alwin Dedge - E Battery Sgt. Herman Dykstra - E Battery
Sgt. Roland Boteler - C Btry Lt. Donald Davidson - Unk T /3 Steve DeAnna - Med. T/4 Alwin Dedge - E Btry Sgt. Herman Dykstra - E Btry


Sgt. William Dale Edwards - C Battery Captain Arthur G. Kroos Jr. - 80th AA - HQ Company - POW September 1944 to May 1945 Pfc. Ray Fary - C Battery Pfc. Paul L. Foster - D Battery Cpl. Lawrence E. Fox - A Battery
Sgt. William Edwards - C Btry Capt. Arthur Kroos - HQ Btry Pfc. Ray Fary - C Btry Pfc. Paul Foster - D Btry Sgt. Lawrence Fox - A Btry


Cpl. Charles S. Fink - 80AA Pvt. Valentine J. Franciosi - 80AA Pvt. James T. Ganey - Unk Battery 1/Sgt. Norman Hilgemyer - C Battery Pfc. Charles M. Jobe - F Battery
Cpl. Charles Fink - Unk Bat Pvt.Valentine Franciosi - Unk Pvt.James Ganey - Unk Btry 1/Sgt.Norman Hilgemyer - C Pfc. Charles Jobe - F Btry


Corporal Hershcel J. Lamie  D Battery Corporal Hershcel J. Lamie  D Battery Pfc. Adam Lucas - E Battery Sgt. Harold P Luken - B Battery  width= Tech/5 Gerald McNeill - B Battery
T/5 Tyson Johnson - C Btry Cpl. Herschel Lamie - D Btry Pfc. Adam J. Lucas - E Btry Sgt. Harold P Luken - B Btry T/5 Gerald McNeill - B Btry


Pfc. Gettis Mooree - F Battery T/5 Albert Reule - E Battery Pfc. Charles Schaible - A Battery T/4 Homer Shiflet - Med. Det.
Pfc. Gettis Moore - F Btry T/5 Albert Reule - E Btry Pfc.Charles Schaible - A Bat T/4 Homer Shiflet - Med. Pfc.George Snodgrass - A Bat


Sgt. Gordon Walberg - 80AA-A Battery Pfc. Bruno Wilk - 80AA-C Battery
Cpl. Stokes M. Taylor - DSC Lt. Worthington Telford - HQ Bat Sgt. Gordon Walberg - A Bat Pfc. Bruno Wilk - C Bat



307th Airborne Engineer Battalion - Company B



Lt. Francis Capozzi
Lt. Francis (Capozzi) Scott    Pvt. Moses DeSouza Pfc. Joseph S. Franco Tech/4 Herman R. Fuller S/Sgt. Howard D. Jones



Pfc. Edward John Kurtz - 307th Airborne Engineers - B Company Tech/5 Donald J. Standlick - 307th Airborne Engineers - B Company
Pfc. Edward J. Kurtz Pvt. Karl Leverknight Cpl. Stephen A. Paliwoda Cpl. Elmer Q. Siddall Tech/5 Donald J. Standlick



Pfc. William Joseph Strabic - 307th Airborne Engineers - B Company 1st Lt. Ben L. Wechsler - 307th Airborne Engineers - B Company
Pfc. William J. Strabic 1st Lt. Ben L.Wechsler



307th Airborne Medical Company




Lelan E. Allen Sgt. Raymond Eckert Capt.Chester Lulenski Pfc. Glenn W. Raine



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