Paratroopers of the 80th Airborne Anti-Aircraft Battalion


This page is dedicated to Raymond E. Fary


80th AAA Bn. Insigna

    Raymond E. Fary entered the Army on March 16th 1943 from Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. He was assigned to an anti-tank company with the 290th Infantry Regiment, a component of the 75th Infantry Division. The 75th was activated on April 15th 1943, at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. The 290th Infantry Regiment moved to the Louisiana Maneuver Area 24 in January of 1944 remaining there until it moved again on April 7th 1944 to Camp Breckenridge, Kentucky. Ray left the Regiment in April 1944 and shipped overseas to a replacement depot in England, arriving there on May 23rd 1944. Soon after his arrival in England he was assigned to the 80th Airborne Anti-Aircraft Battalion, C battery. Ray fought with the 80th until wars end. He was honorably discharged in January of 1946.






Private First Class Ray Fary
Pfc. Ray Fary


Pfc. Ray Fary in Berlin. October 28,1945.
Pfc. Ray Fary in Berlin 1945


Aaron and Pvt. Ray Fary 1943. (More than likely this picture was taken
while Ray was with the 290th Infantry Regiment.
80AA- Aaron and Ray Fary






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