During WWII the 505 Regimental Combat Team was made up of these units:
505 Parachute Infantry Regiment | 456 Parachute Field Artillery Bn. | B-307 Engineer Bn. | 307th Medical Company | 80th Anti-Aircraft Bn.
>>>Would you like to honor a 505 Regimental Combat Team veteran who served in any of the units listed above, just contact us by double clicking here or manually type in ContackMeAt@aol.com.
>>>505 Regimental Combat Team veterans that have recently passed away as of September, 21, 2023.
>John J. Pappas, 98 years old, 505-PIR - HQ Company, 1st Battalion - May 31,1925 to March 14,2024.
>Louis Hal Edison, 104 years old, 505-PIR - Regimental HQ Company - August 24,1919 to August 23,2023.
>Lester W. Wright, 96 years old, 505-PIR - Regimental HQ Company - May 23,1925 to January 30,2022.
>Leslie P. Cruise Jr., 97 years old, 505-PIR - H Company - May 27,1924 to January 30,2022.
>Roderick R. Connally, 96 years old, 505-PIR - H Company - February 7,1925 to November 27,2021.
>Raymond L. Daudt, 98 years old, 505-PIR - G Company - August 9,1923 to September 30,2021.
>Clement P. Mitchell, 96 years old, 505-PIR - Service Company - January 15,1925 to September 28,2021.
>Walter R. Hurd, 96 years old, 456PFA - A Battery - October 15,1924 to September 17,2021.
>Richard Sheldon Beller, 96 years old, 456PFA - C Battery - October 18,1924 to August 15, 2021.
>Robert L. Nagele, 96 years old, 505-PIR - Service Company - March 13, 1924 to December 3,2020
>Paul Lafayette Foster, 97 years old, 80-AA - D Battery - July 28,1923 to October 16,2020.
>>>We have a 2023 update to this story. Read how an American soldier got his name in four books about the 505 Parachute Infantry Regiment. Was he a hero ? Facts available in the public domain say otherwise. Double click here and read this amazing story.
>>>George Fotovich, a D Company Sicily veteran who served in all six campaigns during WW-II, will be 101 years old this year, 202
>>>May 9, 2024, webmaster's note. We recently came across a rare photo, thanks to the family of Pfc. Roger A. Carlson a member of the 505-PIR 1HHC. It's a 505 banner placed on the port side of the Queen Mary when the ship docked in New York City Harbor on January 3, 1946.To see this photo, click here.
>>>November 2023, webmaster's note. I recently purchased a DVD for the 1941 movie "Parachute Battalion". While watching the movie I realized a certain photo that appears in 3 books from my WW-II collection, comes from this 1941 movie.To see how this photo appears in the afore mentioned books, click here.
>>>NEW ! read other interesting facts of the 82nd Airborne Division - On August 15, 1942 General Ridgway held a full dress review of the 82nd Airborne Division. There were 16,000 men present. It was said, one could hear a pin drop when General Ridgway told them their division would soon become two divisions (82nd and the 101st) and that glider regiments would be formed in the near future. The next day 4,500 men were AWOL. (Page 40, "Ridgway's Paratroopers" author Clay Blair)
>>> NEW ! June 20, 2023 We would like to bring to your attention, a new book called "Gavin at War" The World War II Diary of Lieutenant General James M. Gavin. The books forward is written by Chloe Gavin, daughter of Lieutenant General Gavin. The diary begins on April 8,1943 and ends September 1,1945. Most of us are aware of Captain Hugo V. Olson whom Colonel Tucker, of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, sent to General Gavin as a body guard beginning with the Normandy combat jump until the end of the war. However, there was a second paratrooper that accompanied the General at all times from Normandy until the end of the war, his name was Sergeant Walker E. Wood. Read the General's innermost thoughts throughout the war years from April 1943 through September 1st 1945.
>>>NEW ! June 1, 2023 Visit Private Kenneth L. Harris's webpage, He earned the Silver Star medal fighting on Biazzo Ridge, Sicily.
>>>New January 2023, 1st Lieutenant Charles K. Qualls, a Purple Heart medal recipient, was awarded the Silver Star medal, posthumously, for his actions on December 26, 1945.
>>>Doctor Dean McCandless passed away on March 17,2020. He was 100 years old.
>>>New June 2021 - Doctor Dean McCandless served as a 1st Lieutenant during the war. He wrote of his experiences in a memoir called "Remembering the Army" (In a 2016 visit to the 82nd Airborne Division Museum a 1993 letter from Dean addressed to Ed Sayre of A company was found)
>>>New November 2020 - Read Irvin "Turk" Seelye's D-Day memoir taken from E companies unpublished manuscript "Echoes of the Warriors" edited by George Jacobus.
>>>New July 2020 - Read Joseph Stolmeier's interview from July 4th 2019. Joe served with the 456th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, in A Battery. He served from 1941 through 1945.
>>>New January 2020 - Read John Torreano's interview from 2016. John served with the 505 Parachute Infantry Regiment, in A company. He served from 1941 through 1945.
>>>February 1, 2019 - Read Private First Class Charles Barnhart's WW-II memoir. He was a veteran of H company, 505 Parachute Infantry Regiment. Pfc. Barnhart earned the Silver Star medal and Purple Heart in Holland. He and Private James A. Wambach, an H Company bazooka team, were dispatched to a roadblock alone against a German onslaught.
>>>September 21, 2021 - Retired Sergeant Major Howard P. Melvin writes "Dear Abby" in 1996.
>>>May 12, 2019 - Thought it was something when the 32 year old men of the regiment made a combat jump. Read about Sergeant Charles E. Burt making his first combat jump into Sicily at 54 years of age.
>>>New 2019 ! Read Staff Sergeant Harry Buffone's interview on his 100th birthday. He served with the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, I company.
>>>New 2019 ! Lieutenant Fred B. Morgan, returns to Normandy 67 years later.
>>>October 2, 2018 - Read Sergeant Norbert Beach's WW-II remembrances. Sergeant Beach was a veteran of H company, 505 Parachute Infantry Regiment. He made four combat jumps.
>>>NEW ! August 10, 2018 - Read Staff Sergeant Harry Berry's WW-II diary. Harry was a veteran of B Battery, 80th AA Battalion.
>>>NEW ! 2018 Visit Staff Sergeant George Sipple's webpage featuring a rare photograph of the Field Artillery Parachute Test Battalion.
>>>NEW ! 2018 Staff Sergeant Winfred Davies was one of five brothers that served during WW-II. He served as a medic in both the 505th Parachute Infantry and the 456th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion. He earned the Silver Star medal in Italy and the Purple Heart medal in Sicily with the 505 PIR and an oak leaf cluster to the Purple Heart in Holland with the 456 PFA.
>>>NEW ! May 2019 - Two newspaper articles featuring Winfred Davies, one article for the 50th anniversary of D-Day. Dr. Dan McIllvoy writes into Winfred's local paper, and the other, the June 15th 1977 release of the movie "A Bridge Too Far". Read both interesting stories, just click here.
>>>NEW ! June 1, 2021 - 1st Lieutenant Morris P. Guerrant earned the Bronze Star medal during the Bulge and the Silver Star medal crossing the Elbe River..
>>>Little Known Facts of the 505 Regimental Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division.
>>>Visit our veteran photograph archive web page (437 photos as of September 10, 2024).>>>Read their individual stories on our Paratroopers page.