Paratroopers of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment


This page is dedicated to Joseph R. Horvath


82nd Airborne Division patch

   Joseph R. Horvath enlisted into the Army on August 12th 1942 from Greensburg, Pennsylvania. He was originally assigned to one of the two EGB units that made the Atlantic crossing to Africa in early May of 1943. EGB-447 and EGB-448 served as replacement troops for the 82nd Airborne Division. Joe was assigned to Headquarters company of the 2nd Battalion prior to the jump into Sicily. He made all four combat jumps with the 505. He received three Bonze Star medals for valor and several Purple Hearts. Joe was a member of the 2nd Battalions 81mm mortar platoon, he hailed from Rillton, Pennsylvania.

( Photos and bio courtesy of Mitch Ekovich his nephew.)



Sergeant Joe R. Horvath
Sergeant Joe Horvath



Article on Joe in his local paper.



Joe Horvath is at left
Joe Horvath On Left



Joe Horvath of the 2nd Battalion Headquarters Company dropping
mortar rounds in Sicily. (Bottom right)
Joe Horvath dropping mortar round in Sicily



Morter Position In Holland



Joe receives an oak leaf cluster to his Bronze Star medal.



Morter Position In Holland



Joe In Holland. (kneeling)
Joe In Holland



Joe Horvath Article

Joe Horvath Article



Ben Vandervoort speaks highly of Joe and the officers of the 2nd Battalion's 81mm
mortar platoon.




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